Quick Ship Program
quick turnaround furniture solutions for project or work from home opportunities
The 10 Day Quick Ship program - shipping products out the door within 10 business days!
This catalogue features quick turnaround furniture solutions for project or work from home opportunities.
You'll find many products in a wide array of styles and colours to complement any space, all at different price points, whether it’s chairs, desks, files, tables, or accessories.
Build your own package
Newland offers quick, functional and practical modular desking solutions that combine classic design, quality and value to support a wide range of workspace applications. Build your own desking package to suit your space.

The ideal work from home setup
The ideal WFH setup includes a number of components that work together to create an ecosystem that helps with:
- neutral working postures
- boosting productivity
- maintaining wellness
This example features an ergonomic task chair, a sit-stand desk, a power unit and a monitor support.
New seating additions

Offices to Go products carry a limited lifetime warranty. Please refer to the OTG price list for details.

Global products carry a limited lifetime warranty. Please refer to the Global price lists for details.

Products with this designation can be customized in a choice of textiles and colours.

Delivery direct to end user is available on all products, please request a quote.

Products with this designation are suitable for courier shipment throughout Canada.